About the Journal


KPU International Journal of Engineering and Technology (KPU-iJET) with ISSN: 2790-0819 (Online) and ISSN:2790-0800 (Print) is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientist and engineers involved in research to publish high quality and refereed papers. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The journal ensures a wide indexing policy to make published papers highly visible to the scientific community.

publishes articles describing contributions in the general field of engineering and technology. KPU-iJET established in 2020 under Kabul Polytechnic University, and published 4 times a year (Quarterly).

KPU-iJET welcomes theoretical and practical papers aimed at innovation and further understanding of engineering and technology, including, but not restricted to, Civil and Industrial Engineering, Architectural Science, Urban Planning and Designing, Transportation Engineering, Construction Management, Chemical Technology, Petroleum Engineering, Water Resource and Environmental Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering, Electrical and Power Engineering, Auto Mechanic Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Geomatics, General Science and Mining Engineering.

Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU) was established in 1963 by the government of Afghanistan, and till date it’s the only technical university in Afghanistan.

Why (KPU-iJET)

  • (KPU-iJET) is indexed in Google Scholar, Slideshare, Scribd, Academia, Research Gate and many more
  • (KPU-iJET) is an International, Peer reviewed, Open Access Journal
  • Paper publishing process is relatively fast and easy
  • IJISRT provides individual eCertificate to each author
  • Authors can submit the papers at any time by online submission
  • Paper will publish immediately in current issue after registration
  • (KPU-iJET) accepts original and high-quality research and technical papers
  • Authors can download their full-length paper at any time
  • Author’s queries shall be resolved within 24 hours of time

Email: ijet@kpu.edu.af 

Address: Kabul Polytechnic University, Bagh-e-Bala, Fifth Districts, Kabul Afghanistan.